crystalshealingjourney | Poetry Vibe
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Let's do the right thing ..... WRITE !!

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My Own Memory Library.



Views: 185
Imagine if I was given just one moment just a single slice of my past, I would hold it close forever so that moment would always last. I'd I would put that moment into a safe within my hearts' abode, And I could open it up anytime that I wanted and only I would know the code. I would choose a time of laughing a time of happiness and fun, I would choose a time that tested me through every single thing I have done. I sat and I thought about which moment Would possibly almost always make me smile, Which moment that would always Push me to walk that extra mile. If I am feeling sad and low Or if I am struggling with what I should or should not do, I can go and open my little safe and watch my moment through. There are some moments that I can think of that would be able to lift my spirits each and every time, The moments when you picked me up, when the road was hard to climb. For me to only pick one moment To cherish, to save and to also keep is proving really difficult, as it seems as though I have gathered up a heap! I have dug deep inside of my heart I have since found the safe and I as I looked inside I noticed that there was still room for lots of moments; In fact, hundreds if I tried. I am building my own little library Embedded inside of my heart, for all the moments that I have spent and will hopefully be spent with you before we one day have to part. I would be able to open it up whenever I like, I could pick a moment and watch it through, So my little library acts as a promise I will forever be loving you In Dedication To : Kurt A. Whitchurch

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Charles2 says:

Very touching emotional gymnastics, clever wordplay... and honest to goodness talk...

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