Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 183400
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  double ruby
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Where ...we belong...



Views: 222

As …we…

Struggled through adversity

You …reveled in wealth …and vanity…

 …power and glory…

Until times changing hand…

Reversed course…

Stopped …the trade ships…

War was fought, between gray and blue

Made the chains …fall away…

Good thing …our freedom, long overdue…

Came …and soon, assumed the condition…


Of rebirth…

Sadly, the deal fell through…   

Situations, old and new

Made the new insanity …same old inhumanity…


Our love is …good and strong…


Our belief, was… we needed you, to want us

To be successful, too…


Sweet Jesus, love…

Fills our hearts …with the need for gratitude…

In our ability to provide… energy…

To share… the stage…

In the battle of principalities

Good …from evil…

Right …from wrong…


Where are you now  

Been by your side …all along…

Gave blood sweat and tears

….to make you strong…

Talk about human race

You took the bait

Now, it’s something else

Clothes, I wear…/…color of hair…

You pretend to be …not aware…

No hurry

Plain and simple …you’re not worried…

Same game …different rules…

Tools   …jewels

I protest …you rebel

Can’t tell

…the difference  


You haven’t got a clue…

E = MC2


What …matters…

From …my view…  

As …Jesus… loves…

His children… me and you…

Just between us …love isn’t easy…

When you do the mean spirited

…things, you do…

When I rise …and walk to the courthouse…

You rise …to attack me …

If …in order for the …statement…

If all lives …matter…

To be true…




Obvious lies

You… oblivious

Hear the cries …of children

Our lives really …don’t matter

Your apathy …is deafening…

For the necessary correction…

Of justice …overdue…






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! There are those chasing time and the time for that very present help is needed now; so we are hear praying in humility and thanksgiving, to shower us with the divine wisdom and guidance. And if it has been given, remove the veil from our minds' eye. Thanks for the share, C2. Another gem from the pregnant poetic mind. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thankful, grateful, in pursuit ...of being tranquil... focused, balanced, goal directed, inspired, on target with detail in articulation, clarity, rhythm and blues assassin and commander to the best of my ability...
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

OUTSTANDING CAPTURE.....well said....those claiming enemy lines speak of lies, but TRUTH covers time, while lies are but a mere other words, time for those who choose to sully truth are about to cross the final line of no thinks....

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

We can... will... do... be... better, forever... true.

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