Taking the initiative…
Better known, in the business
As… making the mark
Organized …into teams, productive
By those who make a life
…living of the fat…
Of their ability to…
Distract and deceive, others…
Take the shirts off our backs
And dry up the milk …to feed the babies
Remove the meat and bread …from the tables
To make the mediocre labors …we must choose…
From the illusions …of enforced civility…
When, all we need is… us,
Working for ourselves
Not… us working for… slave wages
In projects, serving your needs
To feed the greed
…of incorporated offshore entities
Created… to escape paying the taxes…
Upon which you feed…
It’s sure been a long time…
Since …we, the people…
Had our say…
Being pimped, by you…
Because …you could not stand for…
A black man,
Not… under your control
So, here we are …once more…
Looking one another…
Redefining freedom, because…
we cannot trust you… to be honest
In your dealings …with anyone of us…
You see, we’ve always been…
Reading you…
Taking note of the time …after, time…
You have burned crosses...
On our hopes
When we show up in court,
Slit our throats
Made slaves again...
To a criminal, unjust system...
…and left us, hanging…
On 13 knotted ropes…
Proven, points taken…
Once again…
Will be …the only time we win…
Not wise to …trust in you…
When your “IN GOD WE TRUSTâ€
Only leaves us …swinging, lifeless, in the wind…
A continuation… of your clause
To never allow for us …to ever rise again…
Reading your thoughts, because
We are self schooled…
We were... never fooled…
Seeing the skeletons in your closets
Seeing the light …right through your sins…
To the fear, that…
Playing fair, you can never win,
What’s that sound.
Bullets flying, so called anarchists…
Definitely, anti+Christ…
White supremacists, emboldened by…
Presidential …silence…
Claiming, 2nd Amendment rights
Increases in demonification
…of people
Reacting to being targeted,
by increasing violence...
Blood letting, preparations… taking place…
To put the “ni**ers, back …in their place…
So much, for HOPE …for…
…the human race…
All, ye… of little faith…
(sounds of body camera footage, being erased)
Buffalo …soldiers, rise…
Ancestral spiritual entities…
Provide us …breathing space…
Calling for backup…
Sweet JESUS…
We are rejoined, to one another…
Voices heard, spirit strong…
READY, once again…
To perform magical things…
Roads, bridges
Regulating …choices,
Disciplined …to point out..
Wrongs, needing to be addressed,
Instead …of being whored, once more...
Dressed up
Like snow white, going to the ball…
For just one dance, one night...
Getting to the point
Time for the authority,
To …get it together…
Straighten up …and fly right…
As we assemble…
United, by a dream…
Good …or evil, spoken…
As our common world …
Is smoking
We may or may not share… the guilt…
But, as you well know
…the scales of justice, are broken…
If you are chosen, would you refuse…
To join our team…
Or are you just too good… to step “downâ€
From the throne, you do not …own…
Trying with all our might …for, to build…
The kingdom …of the almighty…
Tearing the wicked witches castle down…
And …begin,
…to get a piece of the dream…
To get away …from being abused…
Saying, out loud...
No, more... to be...
System addicts, being fed(or fueled)
Invisible means …of protovalue…
Stocks and bonds …shares…
Of …NOT REAL, value…
Speculative …sources…
Built by manipulative chosen forces,
Behind the curtains…
…not quite wealth…
Intravenously …delivered…
To control the imaginations of the people
Working masses, throttled by
…the Wiz of Wall Street…
Using the power generated …from the past…
With new armies …born into the new deal…
Coming in fleets of shuttles
Tides of working hours
As others, struggles…
In futility… (by design/or circumstance)
Working poor…
Disabled, from the resources necessary
To raise a family…
As the next wave of contestants
Receive the necessary programming
To meet the “tasks, assignedâ€
To keep the wealthy …richer than Midas…
And the rest of humanity …shuffles
Back and forth …
Left, lifeless …on the street…
Relegated to perform…
Meaningless tasks
And if, unfortunate enough to question,
what it is… “what’s going onâ€
Police …backing up, law enforcement…
Rules, measures …schemes…
Meant to contain… extremes…
Build up stores for hard times
In effort to restore …revenue…
Increase the means…
by a factor
(of ten to the 2)
Life… Not quite
What …it used to be…
Stone cold, con men… doing…
What they do…
Masters of destruction…
Working on …their masters plan…
Comes the time, for us…
They are... preparing for the harvest...
Targeting, me and you…
The holy grail
Of the national treasury…
The bounty of …our skin in the game…
…of a lifetime of love and labor…
To be…
Fooled, again…
…for social security…