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I will be making my first book thank you to all who supported me. Thank you to P.V. by the way I love calling you P.V.

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lost in the techs of it



Views: 192

how can someone so intelligent be lost in the best of it?

consumed by what is being said of it.

realizing they don't really care or give a .

they can see through the worst of things.

nothing they can do after all nothing is hidden nothing but a lie because they already know the truth. 

scroll one, scroll two taps,tap, tap.

they type like an acrobat but although they know the techs they can seem to get that. 

that thing, you know that thing that stimulates them keeps them above the water cause it's waterproof. 

if it's waterproof then why do I need you to stay above the water go ahead dive in see what they won't show see what they won't do see they are lost in the techs of it. with all the proof but won't show who?

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