if I play I want to win
no one want's to lose
everybody want's to win
sadly everybody can't
some have to take losses
even if their not playing
I've lost without playing
I know you have too
not everyone want's to play
not everyone feels like playing
some don't know the rules
some know the rules but they
don't play by the rules
others know the rule but won't
explain the rules some of us
cheat to win competitively
some want to win that bad
we never ask where did
the game come from
who invented the game
what is the reason for it
what is it to teach us
what are we supposed to
learn from it how can I lose
how can I lose if I don't play
every time I opt out I'm back
at the table about to roll
the dice to crap out again
feeling as if I'm about to die
if you're going to play
play your heart out even when
you don't know who you're
up against the goal is win