jwins | Poetry Vibe
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Her Moral Compass



Views: 346

A poor woman's wisdom is disregarded.

And her gift... is despised.

The testimonies of her beliefs

Are likened to a child that's captivated by fairytales.

Her hopes... are but a symbol of folly

Even amongst the biggest of fools.

And her faith is scorn to mockery.

To them that hate her...

She stands as an idol of shame.

Her passion is rationally insane.

Because even in the dawn of days,

She awakens with much sorrow

As she discerns the many deceptions

From the angel of "light".

And in the darkness of night...

She sees the hidden shadows that lurks therof.

To be awaken...

Is to be in a constant state of rage.

But her anger is a necessity.

Used as a weapon of defense and survival.

She understands why the caged bird sings.

And in such a cage...

She must retain the measures of her moral compass.

Even while she atones for the fruits of her womb.

She stands as a living sacrifice for the sake of her children.

In their silence... they watch her closely.

She understands that what she models for them

Will either bulid them... or destroy them.

She refuses for them to be as she...

But a child of long suffering and wrath.

Her love for them

Will triumph over her indignation...

Jen'uwin Mor


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

True strength of character ...is undeniably a force, undiminished by lack of material wealth.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, such is the moral compass of a "wombman's" labours of peace and love. Thanks for sharing this beautifu and powerful poetic tribute, Jen'uwin Mor. Blessings, M. Lowe.
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Just wow! Profound expression!

Bragee says:

Wonderful piece that captures the essence of the true strength of a woman. I applaud you I respect you Your value is unmatched
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:


Jwins says:

Thank you fine Poets so very much! I truly do appreciate your positive feedback. Once again thank you.

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Jwins says:

@Bragee I'm truly touched. Thank you

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