Bragee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 9100
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Views: 276


A raging Demon inside of me,

But How could it even be

That every like and comment you get, drives me past insanity.


Insanity might be pretty sane compared to me,

Because factually 

I lost my mind 314 days 10hours & 29 minutes ago when you first said hi to me.

I told you that I hate you even acknowledged me,

But honestly

I hate how much I love you.


where do we go from here?

Uncomfortably boxed into a friend or peer,

But deep down I know the love is there.

Just say Go,

Or come here,

Or yes,

Just don’t say no,

And I promise To leash the beast inside of me.

A stray dog with a new home!

Vaughn can keep his fingers as long as he keeps them on his side of the keyboard.

Mr. Webber can live as long as he sticks to saying ok and no more.

Henry was supposed to be my boy

But boys fight everyday

so I'll just say sh*t happens when Facebook earns him a book to the face.....

Love is blind.

Love doesn’t respect titles.

Love conquers all,

And I’m a warrior.....for you.

So Love it or hate it I’m here to stay,

Even tho I know “but you’re married” is all you’re going to say.


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

This is very openly honest and inspiring.
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding write! Great capture brother!

jwins says:

Goodness! the thoughts of my heart has been there before. it was like a prison. was glad when I was set free. Deep write. Thank you for the share

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