jwins | Poetry Vibe
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The Cycle



Views: 272

When visiting a doctor for the first time...

He/she will ask of ones medical history.

They will ask does any diseases run in the family.

And if so... which diseases

And just who specifically, in the family has had it.

Because physicians are aware that certain conditions are passed on through the bloodline.

Well... that's only the physical philosophy to such aspect.

But there's even a darker conflict of interest that afflicts most... if not all of us within our spirits.

Even in the womb the spirit of oppression can be passed on to an unborn child.

In that womb... the child bears the burdens of their mother.

And can become wounded by the resentments of their father.

The sins of the father (mother), can be revisited.

Are there no consequences to our many wrongs?

One reaps what they sow.

And if/when the roots are unhealthy...

It brings forth damage seeds.

Creating heirs of destruction.

Whatever sin is... it's a very strong......hold.

That stems from a very deep core.

I believe that sin itself... is a primary disease.

Being a gateway to many other diseases.

Woe! To the child with corrupt guides.

I'm not a perfect woman... by no means.

But I strive to be a woman of correction.

And I stand corrected when I become aware of the error of my ways.

Better late... then never.

The wise become enlightened by their own mistakes.

And what we put upon the earth... comes first.

Repentance is crucial for the sake of redemption and the restoration of our creations.

Lets begin to heal by dissecting the beast...

And dead... such a vicious cycle...

Jen'uwin Mor


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Now that the beast has been dissected and life has been given to begin, let forgiveness and love forever be concentric cycles rippling from generations to generations. Peace and Love, M'Lowe.

Jwins says:

Yes sir indeed. Thank you
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Nice piece

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