scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Parents prt.2



Views: 224

Our partners care for us too, just imagine a job for two given to "one" person to do. It's not always about a pat on the back however, when you feel like it doesn't matter sometimes your hope shatters. Nothing goes unnoticed even tho it seems cliche to focus on being the best parent you can be in your own way.we want the best for our kids , may not always have the same perspective. Our kids love us too but their in the middle and we're their protector. Modern day family , "I don't love you, and you don't love me" doesn't mean we have to be separate enemies. It takes two to have a child. Both parents have lives, who's more concerned with the child(ren). Its hard enough learning and trying to be someone you didn't have. No finger pointing , just trying to figure out the good in the bad. Having a child for any reason other than love and to have had a family. Maybe y'all didn't work out , yet the mother isn't less cause the new woman involved. The new dude wasn't there til the dad dropped the ball. Life goes on. How we treat each other is important. The mother raising her daughter or kids, like the dad giving his son or kids love and attention is important. No secret motives just love..

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