Pondering the journey,
it was as if God had put a spell
on us until reality revealed the
truth of the glorifying awareness
of the holy blessings of faithful
determination to mount the bucking
stallion of oppression and break out
of the shackled corral that had fenced
us in without justice, equanimity, and
freedom; giving the wicked devil power
to abort the laboring birth of our liberation.
Enlightened, we are now galloping
with charioting forces over mountains,
through plains and across many oppressive
rivers and seas; roping and challenging all present
and past vestiges of that peculiar institution
that once imprisoned our sacred ancestors;
and we shall no longer be victims of the shadowed
spell cast upon on us by the devil’s wickedness
for we are freed—from mental shackles—and now
control our own destiny to justice and liberty.
Indeed “there’s a…[new]…natural mystic blowing…”
and we are breathing the air of its liberation—energized
and directed with audacious power—within and without
to demonstrate and prove that our black lives matter to us
and all the world; for a new day is upon the horizon with
the rising sun arcing earth skies with its rainbow of liberation.
So, wake up America! A new mystic air is blowing
and there is no mountain so high or valley so low
where bigotry, racism and fascism can hide or abide;
where the air is filled with awareness, peace and love,
fools of darkness, hate and oppression cannot rush in.
For on earth, God rules, heals and chastises, leaving
fools to roam aimlessly in the confusion down yonder;
unmasked in the heated slime and fumes of retribution.
Thus, let us not be spellbound but take heed in the simplicity
of truth: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” So, let us continue to
struggle with audacious triumphant faith with our eyes stayed
on the prize—sipping from the saucer of grace—as our cup
of grace continues to overflow from generations to generations.