Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Views: 245











It’s a bizarre… freak show

With the apprentice flair

Donald says… as only, I know…

As his chosen few do that thing…

Tearing down progress …starting to regress

Going to a dark place where anything goes


To a presidential decree

As descending auras

Dropping …dark clouds of sadness

…bring doom, accompanied

…by gloom

360 degrees… of madness

Of patent …insanity

Of rampant promotion

…of all things bleached white…

Of a dominant tone …turning the tide, back…

…in every realm of society…

Along racial lines… by white supremists…

As if… my country …tis of thee…

Meant …tis of ME,

…nobody, but Me…  

Me, me…








On the flipside…


Star children…

Study the dimensional calculus…


Generating the necessary factorials…

To address the dilemma…



…to make the needed sacrifice…





Holding fast …to a consciousness

Born through …the many of us…


Joined spirits…


Possessing a…

Communal …identity…

Honoring those…


Departed, yet…


Still with us    



Of expanding

Focal fusion



Illuminating …our path…  


As we make our way…

Navigation …by intuition…

Providing …guidance…

Beneath the same stars …by which…

Our distant ancestors  

Pursued …life’s greatest treasure…


Journey …to love… 

Our souls …joined, in flight…

Along this starlight path…

Coming …into a clearing…

Far from the extreme violence

A  characteristic…

Of the Creators plan

For us to counter the hatred…

We carry between …our selves…

Balance …our baser instincts…

Terrifying shadows …menacing our past…

Warping …the silence, into weapons…

Forming …holes in space,

Mind …fields

To distract …entrap…

The unwary…

Raise …shields  

To reject …direct conflict  

The logical snare…

Preventing us… from transcendence…

Being the more evolved… participant…

To project power …ahead…

To protect …both…

The future …and past…  


We …share…


Drum beats…




…a silhouette…


In colors


…in our minds eye…




…of heart and minds…



….through space …and time…


Muscles primed, taut… yet supple

Ready, spontaneously…

To be …launched, into


An explosive


Flurry …of blows…  


Stories …of life…


Moving …rolling beats…


Talking …in our dreams 


Imaginative …

Roving …thundering…

Journeys, each…

With a unique tempo

Loaded …with emotional power

Released …in various ways…

To each …heavy heart…

Bringing heads

To bop …and nod,

Bodies to circle,

Leap …and dance 

Hips to sway

Tired eyes …to brighten

Minds …to catch attention



Creating …mindscapes…

Momentary spiritual journeys

With motion and sound…

Explosive …salvos

Of controlled …fury…

  Watching the effect

On …people…

Social interactions

Become friendly

Respectful …reverence

For …one another…

Just as…


Multiple instruments …join in…  


Making …a feast…

For the senses…  





…with laughter and song…

 …and expressions…






Many …souls…



…to former life

As beings, rising…

From the ashes

…of defeat…



…of blood, lust

And revenge



…battles, life and death…



…of tremendous victories…

Burning fires, underground…

Bodies, stacked like cord wood

Souls rendering their elements

Back to the earth…


Reluctantly, as if …taken by force…

Dying miserably… without honor…

Like a wounded …beast,

Writhing …uncontrollably…

Awaiting …the death blow…  

Countering the attack

Launching a series…

Of dance moves…

Of powerful thrusts,  

While deflecting 

Feigned blows…

Senses …tuned…

The secret

How do we relate

Two opposing worlds…


Little …common ground…  




Soul transfusion…




Without …interference

Without digressing, into…

Past, present, conflicts

Reliving …roles played…

Victimology devolving 

Into horrific screams

From both sides…

Unable to play the roles

Assigned, to those …of us…


Not quite …immune…

…to life’s hidden meaning…



Tossing a pebble… into the water…



Watching the ripples…

Radiate …in all directions…



Fish, in suspension…



One, with the water…

Of the stream…  



Surrounded by…


Would …be…



Stalking potential “vics”


Flashing Lights…

Guns …and badges…


Fear …in their eyes…

Seeking to show…





Amidst the ghetto

War lords


Calling their gang of…

Mind controlled, minions…


War Angels…





Locked …and loaded…  


Armed with Computers

Telling …your life’s history

(Let us …see yours…)


To trace your location…

To seek you out, read your phones

Study …your movements…


Surveil …your home…

Armed with warrants

To come get you


Targeted …peoples…


Going to have a quick trial…

Send you to

…concentration camps…

Of abject bigotry…


To be classified, divided

Along racial divides


Of misdirection, hostility,

Increasing racial tension…  



Placing you… in the system…


Courting …destiny…


Spawning rampant inhospitality

…and outright lies…


Raising statues of icons …of bad ideals


On …needless illumination

Of meaningless lives  


More …illusions…

Spreading …lies


Of a ruling caste

Advancing agendas




Hatred …and violence… 


…fear …and confusion…  


At times

Outright …delusion…





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Fanatical indeed, with the many unique tempos dancing us back into self-destruction through turning on each other...doing the oppressor's job as we once again fall for the delusional brainwashing--blinding our senses of the off-beat rhythms of otherwise negative melodies of oppression. Fanatical indeed!
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Deep brother
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

More work needed
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Sir! So much more...needed.

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