thebookofspells | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Views: 380

Hearing tick-a-tacks on the keyboard

Reminds him of what he's here for:

Running his mouth all day long then calling it,


Three years passed exploring the twilight zone,

A dance within wonderland searching for a white queen

Or a red, who knows?

I find instead a stone floor, which, dropping out from under me,

Has me realizing that my castle has, all along, been in the sky!

All I had built wasnt real as I'd hoped,

And although granted, She and all her unworldly works were beautiful,

Beyond all measure,

Now, I have understanding:

Indeed, her name is Fantasy, her lips tasted very sweet,

Her countenance remains unwavering.

Mistress, muse, your leading me astray has allowed me to grow,

Closer to the man I was meant to be,

Yet further from my childhood.

"Who am I?"

"What am I?"

"Who are you?"

Those were the three questions which, again and again,

Led me from the peaceful shore,

Further into the maelstrom which, could never cease its spin...

It wont. Even after I die or you die or our kids, there's still gonna be this.

I suppose the moral,

This everlasting revelation remains to be,

We are still alive,

Time will not end,

And get ready, because everything is about to change.



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Contest Winner  

DeleDivine says:

Very nice.:)

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