This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6500
contest winner
I will be making my first book thank you to all who supported me. Thank you to P.V. by the way I love calling you P.V.

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The voice revealed


just different

Views: 220

So, it's a quiet night and love is inside.

every door is closed and I have the key. 

the only one who can open the door from the inside is me; because the only one inside is me. 

when I walk out the door I locked the door behind me protecting my space from enemy invasion.

The outside is a war zone, sometimes I'm scared I just want to run back to safety but I have to gather supplies for the inside to stay healthy. 

on the other hand, I am free, free to live my life, free to live my dreams. the only one that is holding me back at this point is me. 

I am the only one that can stop me from fulfilling my dreams reaching, my destiny, and enjoying my passion. 

I Queen Armanda am learning to be me not you.

That is honest to God's truth. 

I am learning to walk in my own shoes and not shoes that are too small or too big. 

the size 10 and 11 fit just right for me. 

God knew I would have big ambitions,

big dreams so he gave me Big feet for the journey.

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