Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Love ...and hate



Views: 262








Where/when… how

 â€¦did life, ever… learn

To adapt, its reality...


Extend …itself beyond…


The height and depth

Of its brief period of viability…


In effort to overcome…

The obvious solution… 


A step… from this moment

Of cascading …breath of life…


To its inevitable conclusion… 


While some may try, to…

Make a deal …with the devil…


Coerced, by ugly truths

Or… evil lies…   


Dance throughout…


The experience of life,

Making unfathomable concessions…


When the very last moment,

Comes uninvited, perhaps


As a welcome relief…


After so many losing battles…


We gladly …fold our hands…  


Or if by the futile gesture

We struggle …to the end…


Perhaps, some end the battle…

Whimpering, tired

Of the unending fight…


Others bob and weave

Till floored,


By the unexpected

...Left hook... 


Followed, swiftly by the right


Some fall asleep at the wheel

With no end in sight…


Others, victims…

Of a foolish pride…


Trying to fulfill…


A manifest destiny


To no end… never knowing…


How, or why…




By abject stupidity…


Or by circumstantial



Same …ending…


As the ticket is punched…

And we line up… to enter

The final stage to be tried…


Destination… eternity…  

On the train …all must ride…


Pondering, whether, we must

Exit, stage …left or right…  


Does it really matter…


If, we are …to be continued…


To those who’re still asking...


Whether, even the stars

…hear our prayers…


Rest assured…


We are connected…


By the every heartbeat…   


And each spark, between…


As every star in heaven

Is counted... 


The very fabric of our being…


Reborn into another life

As we leave…


Turn out the light…


When …our time is nigh…


And our souls …are ripe…


No longer in imbued 


With spark of light…  

…Of life…


To bend the rules outside the box…

Yet, duplicate the chance


To dance on past the elusive



And yet,


To have the consciousness

To utilize yx




The means to apply its opposite…

Its means… extreme…


Existential… connections,


Tapping the unseen


Inconceivable corrections …


By the Creator â€¦for the love


which is within our beginning


To narrow its focus purely to the

Need …to survive…




To use the ext …button


…to execute…

The final …solution…


To stretch the consciousness,

Beyond this experience… of life…


To cross over to the next…


To return, once more…   


Between words...

Unwritten, in the text...  


To the endpoint…

Of the beginning…


Start anew, to correct…




Erase the preceding, mistakes…


Perhaps even change the rules/tools


Factors, in the equation…


Of what we do …to live


To reconfigure …the way we do

The things we do, to


Make our greater selves, relevant


To the problems we must face…


To come face to face…


With our fate…


Reconfigured to …another way


To get around/evade…


The insurmountable


Begin …to reproduce…


Become …able to respond, to…


Feel the need …to nurture and protect…



Ages …beyond…

The coincidental… tides of circumstance…


Which have …arrived…

…allowed this sense ability, we share…


To …become… our time in life


Emerging …into this…

Present …reality…


As the tides of civilizations

Swirl ...and edy in the flow…


Empires, which ...

Rise and fall…


Empassioned people rise 

To heed the answer to its call


Kingdoms become

…young and strong…




Just as the moon turned tides... 

Follow by the nature of their being...


Life... happens,

Through our every move


Still, within our energy... exchange... 

Within and without... our needs 


To become the wolf, we feed...


The power magnified... 

to fall into place...  


United, joins the battle...

as if personally invited...


As the war of principalities 

Rages …on…


Conflict …based upon,

Factorizations between

Our realities ...and our dreams… 


Between …

Overwhelming …desires…


And our abilities …to stabilize

Hard fought gains …in humanity…


Exposing …the fraud

…and the treachery…


Which follows â€¦our collective pathways…


Across infinity... throughout eternity…


Energetic principalities





Continuous …inconsistencies…

Coexist …in conflict…


Fiery… intense…

Explosive …reactions…


Of counterintuitive …factions…

Both sides …of the middle…


Lost in the balance

Of the  equation of life 


As, if... on cue

we  step to  the task



Without a clue, we ask


We take a leap of faith



A path to the solution


As the world is laid to waste

By those whose self+interest


Can no more coincide

Touch, with reality...


As the ocean's touch the stars


Yet even, as the sun and stars

Kiss the open waters...


Penetrating, in time...



Where light may not ever shine

Even to their depth


As intense pressures …do expose…

Those beings… whose life path


Crosses …others, so few…


And the star

Pulsations …at its core…


Brings forth a spark, creating

…an arc…


Opening a portal to…  

Another dimension…


…no time for confusion…


Your desire …to spread hate…


Explodes… the myth of unity…

Creates unrest …in the community…






As …if…even …to…

Make America great…


If you’ve bought the illusion


The hour …is too late


For forty acres… and a goddam mule


But for …a few dollars more…


We’ll throw in another… would you like…


Barbed wire and a minefield with that?



Enemies… on every side


Bargaining …life or death, each day…


Helplessness… a luxury…

We cannot afford…


Now, even to lose our blessed peace…


As the last breath …of life…

Trickles …away…


To die… without spiritual release…



Neither …can we… climb

To a heavenly lair, for a sweet relief…


Having toiled, so many lifetimes…


Only to fail, again…

To …find,







Our soul...


At …last


Is released…



The end





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Scash102 says:

You touched on many subjects with this and its nice to read and makes one think.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

/wow! A well penned ode indeed, C2. Thanks for this timely comtemplative share. Yes, " happens through our every move..." journeying so many hateful middle passages. Along the way, "pray tell" the majority of us find the enlightenment to guide us through and over the journey to eternal liberating love. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Even as we think about the countless lifelines our spirits have been carried through... we live again, now. having the luxury of "hearing/seeing/living beside, being" of the soul train line... as, we continue, on beyond ourselves
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Scash102, thanks for checking me out... i like your work

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mlowe5 says:

I am also drawn to and inspired by you work, C2. Peace and Love, my Brother.
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Charles2 says:

Likewise, thank you, mlowe5...

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The Immortal Wize says:

Congratulations Charles 🔥

jwins says:

Very much so profound! Excellent write. Nd Congrats brother!

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