scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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There is hope



Views: 236

So much of what we see is negative imagery. Hurt, pain, brutality and some misery. Loss of life and life itself and others with poor health. That's part of life not all of life yet parts that need major change in a nutshell. For some its hell and others bliss dependin on how one takes it. We have goals and hopes, on the same earth, in the same world yet many loose sight of the treasures and beauties in life and the planet. So many devoted to seeing and helping make smiling and courageous face shine. While other get mad and furious cus they hoped you'd fall behind. Together we can do so much better with eachother if we trully tried. Some things won't change, and that's where hope for some died. Meanwhile many changes on the horizon yet many that care less either way. Some live for the day.. Other lives their way..some just want to have something to say. As much grief, tears and weary eyes as I see..nothing is better than making the change we hope to see. Nothing has ever been easy, our ancestors were first to prove. Yet we look back many changes made cus their hope, faith and dedication that grew. People are tired of suffering yet they make the best and some complain n make a bigger mess. Many of em want the money, power and some perfect simple love and happiness with less stress and lil more money to put aside and remove some weight from their chest. There's always a way and chance to heal. Kindness kills hatred for real. Some choose to hate because they don't understand or know anything different to feel. There Is hope beyond our fears and years.. Time to switch gears. Generationl story lines.. You can live or change it , its about time. Its not easy and won't happen overnight. Yet its always possible. Live today, hope today, notice small good things. Over all its definitely not a happy dream it seems. I see my people making different kind of history.. People united in diversity. Alot of controversy and hypocrisy yet no one is perfect , just try to be better and hopeful. Some have lived hundreds of years.. Not everyone has that blessing yet it speaks volumes to fears. We have overcome many things meant to set us back, distract us, divide us while many of us stayed in tact. That's a know some don't like that. So have a pen and paper and tell hate not to call back, tell fear its whack.. Falsified truths.. Who's better to be you, thank you? Have some hope.

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Charles2 says:

Great message...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! A beautiful and powerful pen to the audacity of hope. Thanks for sharing this sublime poetic fuel poured onto the flame of hope. May the burning bush of our ancestors' faith and hope continue set ablaze our spirit to struggle on. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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Scash102 says:

Thank you all for takin a bit and readin my poetry. I appreciate and I'm glad you all enjoyed the poem.

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