scash102 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 28200
contest winner
In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Thank you for love



Views: 210

Thank you for caring, Thank you for sharing your time n affection. Thank you for daring to break down my guard. Thank you for lifting me up, everytime you seen me fall. Thank you for stayin around through it all, even when my back was against the wall. Thank you for holding me, kissin me passionately and gently. Thank you for all the love and friendship you shared with me. Thank you for more then romance, thank you for the dance of a lifetime. Thank you for helping make life make a lil more sense. Thank you for comin at the drop of a dime. Thank you for every door you opened including the one to my heart. Thank you for reignitin the feelin of warmth n love..something sent from above. Thank you for seeing me for who I am, as I am. Even when I hid my feelins.. Thank you for choosin to love me properly. Thank you for guidin me out the dark thankfully. Thank you for lovin my kids as your own. Thank you for helpin make this place a home. Thank you for helpin me discover mysteries of my own. Thank you for making it known that we are one. Thank you for protectin me and pickin up the ball. Most of all thank you for playin just to win my heart n all.

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