scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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The Real



Views: 272

So many times there was a benefit of a doubt. Lettin you close then pushin you away far out. My intention of understandin you shattered by what I hoped true..which wasn't really you. I always knew it was something about you. The way it seemed so easy at first to be around you. Later on time passed and that's when I knew.. The person I thought you were wasn't really you. Disappointed in myself I was my fault. Had some hopes and expectations unrealistic to it all. My illusion shattered by the truth and all. Its alright better to know the truth then follow the lie just to fall. No perfection was I thinkin bout. I was cool with you being you..guess you had doubts. Guess now lookin back or deeper I see. The person you werent to me. Maybe I disappointed you..I didn't succumb to your will or do all you wanted me to. Its a difference in who I am and what you believe..vice versa too. I think now I have a better understanding too. Literally in my face you did it and claimed you didn't.. I was had enough courage to just admit it. Is it hard to be yourself..or is it funner and easier to fool someone else? Honesty is all I asked. You made the choice to do, say and be ..guess this is aftermath. Enjoyed the company..guess it wasn't goin to last. I learnt the real you by the time it past.

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