scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Views: 253

Some will love and care to their own extent. Want you under their own conditions.. Stipulations and favortism among some things..treat you less than human yet you are still a being. Some people carry much of the pain, hurt, shame, guilt..not all of it is theirs to begin with. Yet they rather not see someone else fall under the weight..for many its truly their fate. So many hate to see that its you who is happy and that's when they ain't. Instead of happy together..hanging, chillin some will vacate. Only there to see you frown instead of elevate. No matter how you lift them up and cheer them on.. Seems like your happiness is their sad song. Playin wit your feelins when they know they're wrong. Lucky for them ..your the one who's actually strong. Many people cant take what they give out. So many with open mouths know nothing they talk about. Words are powerful and usin them wisely is the best out. Go ahead if you feel the need to poke your chest out. So many things unsaid and unrecieved apologies.. Instead of tryin to change, get it right.. Walk with me. This isn't the world as a whole just a reality..Some live and others exist in a emotional fatality. Nothing wrong with giving or receiving love. Some people truly are from above. In a world that seems to easily fall out of love, give up..on you or anything to hard for them to feel capable of. It's not easy yet its possible. Acknowledge the truth instead of paintin to ones likin.. Truth ain't always happy or excitin, however it's like what good is lyin? Truth always comes in one way or the other.. Unless you figure you're that good undercover..even still. Nothing wrong with peace, joy or happiness unless its at someone else is that living?.. Stand together more then parting.

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