Dream castle visions …built over centuries…
Willing partners… accept the challenge
Barter …over the conditions…
Royal wedding… futures embrace…
Accentuated by honeymoons
Explosive start
…with excessive foreplay…
Between sexual fantasies…
Shifting gears… slamming through…
Hot sunny days…
Winding up …long steamy nights…
Further in time…
Pressure builds …to expand the kingdom…
With an increased need for power…
In order to… maintain flight…
Tensions build, as the battle continues…
Cracks develop…
As perfect …situations…
Wear down …imperfect minds…
The healing strength …dwindles…
Something, goes wrong…
Motivation …to continue to maintain
Continuous state of readiness
Shutting down …for repairs…
Leaves a vacuum …losing sight…
Of all the times… your mate came to your side
Freed …your hands, such that
You would succeed…
To elevate the kingdom
…once more…
Opening a dimension…
Inspired… planting future’s seeds…
Something imperfect happens
Perhaps the stars were misaligned,
The moon… turned the tides too soon,
A comet …crossed the starry skies,
A sudden laughing of a loon…
Triggering a momentary …distraction…
Upsetting the balance of the universe
Unsettling …space and time…
A shallow, harmless flirt…
Unnoticed flexing of the posture…
With a boisterous voice…
Expressing …over confidence, perhaps…
As the emotion …awakens a portal
At a vulnerable moment …for each…
Just a hint of …attraction…
Escapes …almost innocently
…taking a path…
Distinctively uncharacteristic
But, of free will…
Unaware that …the family’s needs…
Require, hands on/constant attention…
The burden shared,
Ensures it balances the equation…
Equal sign…slips away an increment…
With each …inconclusive argument…
Random flirtation falls outside the home…
Bait gets taken… by someone …else…
Blessed …with the patience to pursue…
To choose, worthy of playing for keeps
Emotionally engaged, deep…
…with nothing to lose
Cheating games their specialty
Willing to fail, a necessity…
Inclined to destroy the premise…
To level the playing field…
As gaps …form between the lines
The cast of the bones… tempting fate
Tipping the hands of time
As it runs out… again
…and again…
Forecast is
…for fractured, fairyland
To fall far short …of the design…
Unsupported desires …shaken beliefs…
…removes motivation to succeed…
So the phantom shift …initiates the first phase…
In the disengagement…
Disintegration …persistent, pervasive…
Removes the prerogative…
Dismisses …the perspective gain…
Begins …the depression…
As the shifting sands of circumstance…
Rise, touch briefly in waves
Which continue to come
Surrounding and enveloping
Satisfying …dreams,
Lofty sails… valiant quests
On the skiff…
Bring no solace, to the castaways,
Once becalmed …in the drift…
…on the decline…
Hijacked …by real life…
People …with aspirations sidetracked,
Struck by violent attacks of jealousy,
An overdose …of cold reality…
By unwelcome guests
And real expectations…
Of continued unrest
…left with few options,
Since, nobody …wins…
But winner take all…
Satisfaction …under duress
Leaves …hard fought… daily gains
Too, often …dangerous nights
Till there’s no recourse…
But to flee …or fight…
Or live with the painful possibility,
This is not just a phase…
But a sign…
Of what will soon come to be
The end…
(Good Night)