Urgent is the will,
the self as still as the night;
apathy controls…
Urgency calling,
the will remains imprisoned;
Urgency calling,
apathy sheds useless tears;
fear controls action:
Genesis begins all;
revelation ends it all—
life dwells in between.
Oh, apathy is like a cold stone
nestling in the mud;
decisions like a swing in the wind.
Action roars like a lion and races
like a waterfall roaring to its destiny.
Cold stones are no match
for angry sledgehammering chaos
and in sunlight, mud dries and crust over.
But in nature, life is woven in the web of love
netting all in a beehive of togetherness—globing
conscience concentric cosmic oneness—outing
the spaces of all forms of astringent isms of hate:
There is no agony in the lives of bees…
we can choose to be as bees or as the mud….