Standing …beside a stream…
We see what appears to be
A man leaping, swaying
…and singing
Much like a fisherman
Practicing his craft
Making lightning …strike…
To the waters…
Setting the pace
In phases
Working …like a madman,
With a vengeance…
…tending rod and reel skillfully…
Extending his will
Towards the… more than an imaginary
One master of its craft…
Black (of course)
Big bubba
Badass, bass… himself…
Poised to strike…
What appears to be…
A magnificently sparkling… minnow…
Dazzlingly, coaxing and teasing…
Playing the game…
One on one…
With a wild swing
Poised to strike…
Instrument coiled…
Inclined, at an odd angle…
Swung wildly …towards the heavens…
Trying to jumpstart …heaven…
Amidst …the gathering storm
Thundering skies…
Broken by bolts of lightning
Playing beyond the rising winds
We see …one, determined, intense
Black man… of many
Raising his heads …above…
The blood, the steam…
The mud …and the smoke…
Picking up an instrument
By merely …extending his hand…
Watching, on the sly…
As it drifts …across the space…
Between tides of music
Somersaults in the minds
Of those drinking the music
In their brains…
Ability to trace…
Their steps …backwards…
Back, through… the…
Smoke rings in their brains…
As the mystical patterns…
Work their magic… expanding minds eyez
Sideways, leading to new dimensions…
Blending and remixing … potent patterns
Of sonic neuro+orgasmic
Suspending time and pausing space
Between exposure …to the next blast…
Hovering in mid air…
Spontaneous waves …of lurid sound…
Hitting the wall
And spinning, bounding away
In new directions…
Love notes… splashdown…
Hard and fast…
Muddy the waters
As several instruments
Suddenly jump in
Carried …the beat,
Twisting and turning, faster and faster…
Until long passages
Transport …the mood swing
More …deeply…
Like the woman of your dreams
The attractiveness
Making …you, more inclined
To pursue… a chance
To do the dance
To make a move
She has teased
Your time…line…
The one…
Assigned to…
The initial
Of a sense of…
More, than
The taste buds
Tempting you…
In the
Teasing moments,
In anticipation…
Than the kiss…
She undressed you with…
As she caressed you
With her eyes…
Upon a dream…
…a slew
Of unforgettably
Fiery brew so funky
So hot
So sweet…
Shot from the funk machine
…incoming cords and riffs
So tasty, sweet and savory…
Pure …joy…
Pulling a sapphire stone …from a stream…
Making the discovery…
Capturing a tear
…from God’s