The psychological effects of racism keloids
a powerful syndrome of self-hate mentality
on its victims—releasing a heinous spirit
of death that leads to a strange fascination
with self-destructive communal criminality.
The roots of this American syndrome…
existing long before that of Stockholm…
is deeply anchored in America’s history
of its racist institution of demonic slavery
which subjugating Blacks to chattel oppression;
stripping them of who and whose they were…
disintegrating them from self, each other, and God.
Enslavement indeed reduced Blacks to corralled
livestock—void of humanity—shattered, scared
and devastated beyond faculties to understand
their brokenness and much needed mental repair.
Oh, slavery was much-more cruel than his-story
religiously portrays; omitting how this evil system
robbed chattel Blacks of selfhood—leaving them
dismayed…with “…death soaked into their spirit.”
While many of our ancestors physically survived
slavery and were able to resurrect their spirits
from the demeaning curses of oppression, many
remained immersed in a culture of spiritual death.
A spiritual death which led them to passing on
to generations…psychological “genes” of self hatred
and violence that has become the fruit that slavery
has cultivated in today’s American racist syndrome.
Wake up Black America! Wake up! The present
dual pandemic aftermath is neither a dream nor
a mythical-poetic nightmare; rather, it is a flaming
reality…scorching the souls…of those who have
subjugated God’s will to their own debasing will.
Now, our village communities are caught up
in the psycho inflicted violence of those who
have become the homicidal-suicidal slaves of
the racist syndrome that is softening that echo
ringing out to all…: “Black Lives Matter…To Us.”
Let us be mindful dearly beloveth…bursting
from the womb of life is liberation of life…
blessed with choices and anointed with the will
of God; so, come, let us now dedicate our lives
to His will—not ours—being done at home.
It has been said that charity begins at home.
Thus, as we have moved from being property
to owning property, let us laser-focus charity
on ourselves…illuminating it within the spirit
of our children: Black Lives Matter…To Us!
May it be the will of God that our will…
will become…dedicated to the eradication
of the syndrome of criminality that continues
to decimate innocent lives in our communities
by the psycho-homicides committed by those who
are the lost victims of the self-hate mentality of racism.
Finally, dearly beloveth…as is gleaned in scripture,
whatsoever has been expressed and found worthy,
pure, just, true, and considered of good virtue, award
due contemplation…: “ Black Lives Matter…To Us!”