j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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The missus discerns a glimmer of empathy within her spouse



Views: 195

Finally after twenty two plus

years of marriage,

a husband (namely yours truly -

exhibits glint of care and concern

toward his significant other,

which wife bemoaned

absent expressions of love

particularly before the

honeymoon even occurred.


I readily admit shying away

from emotional intimacy,

especially toward the gal

whose pledge I trothed

July twenty fifth nineteen ninety six,
(fifteen days hence)

yet even formative years (mine)

scant overtures displayed toward

me father, mother, plus

older and younger sister

(neither non twisted).


A strong suspicion predominates

neurological, psychological,

and social perturbations

commingled while said christened goodfella

developed in utero, whereat genetic quarks

sparked, manifested, and engendered

unforeseen grievous hardship


severely, inexplicably, and figuratively

dislocated, truncated, and uprooted

his promising, (albeit
short lived) blissful boyhood,

which happy go lucky preschool years

abruptly analogously came to crashing halt

soon after setting foot into first grade.


Impossible mission

to tease out telltale explanation(s)

only thru courtesy 20/20 hindsight

can hypothesis be formulated

regarding congenital

chromosomal cellular discrepancy

birthing what appeared a healthy baby

though prone to wailing

without rhyme nor reason,

especially if held

by any person except mother.


At a tender age behavioral blitzkrieg

rent asunder tenuous connections

shattering nascent aggregation

to allow, enable, and provide

healthy interpersonal development

unbeknownst what molecular processes

kickstarted, pronounced, triggered...

wayward son to recoil against humanity

(think how like magnetic poles

repel each other).


Most all mein kampf

scant communication brokered

never establishing linkedin bonds,

nor fostering emotional intimacy

despite witnessing overt caring
among parents who begat me

or siblings, who exuded

natural propensity to comfort each other.


Something so primal as to elicit
heartfelt sympathy I lacked

which aloofness generated offensiveness
essentially buttressed (with flying colors)
hermetically sealed existence (mine)

nsync livingsocial within alien nation.

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