WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Jesus and the devil


just different

Views: 151

It was a terrible time for Jesus right after he got baptized

40 days in the wilderness with the devil and all his lies 

Jesus fasted the whole time, meaning he didn’t eat!

Despite all kinds of wild beasts, pigs, chickens, and sheep! 

The devil tried for weeks to get into Jesus’ head 

First he asked, ‘if God really is yo’ daddy, then turn these rocks into some bread!'

Jesus was like, ‘all that people really need to hear are the words that God said!’ 

The devil led Jesus into Jerusalem, high above a temple

Next the devil said, ‘throw yourself down and angels will save you, it’s simple!’ 

Jesus was like, ‘lucifer, you can’t just put God to the test!?’

The devil had struck out twice, so his last had to be best

He promised Jesus the world if he’d just worship him and start ‘God forsaking’

Jesus relied, 'no, (for the third time), get behind me, satan!'

The devil finally left Jesus after weeks of deceit and stresses

Finally, God sent angels to comfort and feed Jesus some breakfast! 

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