The tree of life Before I was, I was
Before I lived, I lived
Eternally leaf
Of the tree of life.
Free fall I’ve been following ghosts
In the midst of time
Living in the future
While in a frivolous present
Unaware of the gift of now
To be enjoyed.
I’ve been chasing dreams
In the midst of time
Wishing for this
And longing for that.
I’ve been waiting to bloom
feeling trapped in a cocoon
Of my own creation.
Insecure of my abilities,
Afraid of the uncertainties
Of what lies ahead.
The wise woman said
The present is here to live it!
A day at a time,
The future is what we make it!
Standing on the cliff of reality,
There is only one way to go
Have faith in ourselves,
Trust in the universe
And jump deep within.
Cause as strange as it may be,
It’s only in a free fall,
That one is ever free from gravity.
The idea of ideas Where do ideas come from?
And where do they go,
When they've burn out
Turning our possessed minds
To ashes in the process
Where do inspiration come from?
We like to take credit for ideas
Popping into our minds
As if something can come out of nothing
It's my idea! you stole my idea!
We claim them as if we possess them
when evidence suggest the opposite
They possess us.
We rely on them yet rarely question their origin
If not to use them as scapegoats
When the filt of our hearts filters through
Thoughts into general awereness.
Do we have ideas or do they hold us
Prisoner of their grip, having us grappling
And battling each other for their sake,
For the fake reality they display.
That's how we get played, get rulled over
By the pons of a game we invented
Child's heart Heart of a child
the genius crouches and crushes
under the weight of the expectations
of a savior that he stubbornly
refuses to embody
Let me be! cries the ego
oppressed in its ambitions
To be without being special,
To be just one among
The billions of shooting stars
Fallen in children's hearts.
Let me play in joy!
Far from your faith in me,
Far from all projections on me
From your exceptions to rules never written.
Let me be, just me
In my failures and disappointments
In my successes and my elations
Let me explore myself, beyond
The prisons of the definitions
That everyone has of me.
Let me live free
To express myself, to hatch out
My creativity, far from the schools
Who want to conform me
To confuse me in the mass,
To steal my latent talents
Pervert my imagination,
Impriso... |
Selfless self Long was I away,
Away from my Self
to notice the slow drift
Taking me further down the rift
Into the abyss of unfruitfullness,
Into the boredom of creative bareness,
Into the realm of the selfless self.
Just enough for me to realize
I am myself when I am fully my Self
faithfully committed to be.
Catch a breath Take your time
Breathe in, breathe out,
Take a break
To catch your breath
There is no time?
Maybe, but there is no rush
Cause there’s no space
To run into, It’s all in the mind
So why do you push?
Yes, mind your pace,
But brace yourself, it’s not a race
Find your rhythm, move with grace.
Be at ease and just follow the flow;
Live to nature’s lead.
Kinds of love Love can be romantical
like holding hands
While walking in the sand
Sending each other kisses
through looks of an outaspace nature
Nurturing ideas of togetherness;
It can be infused in a meal
Shared on a picnic in the clouds
Love can be social
Like sitting beneath the baobab tree
Sorting out the issues of the community,
Drinking together in a single jar,
Singing and dancing under the moon
Till morning come
Love can be political
Like an underated arranged mariage
Aiming at sorting a viral hatred,
For the sake of peace to be once more
Between two savage rivals
Seeking to embrace change.
From the formed couple finding love in deep humility,
And mutual understanding in a common humanity,
The community transmutes,
The one love blossoms into to the many
Then back to the one, back to unity. |
Wise Wishes Beware what you wish for
As you might not like
hat you reap
Wish for happiness
Above all things in the flesh
Wish for health
Below everything in the mesh
Wish for joy
Before anything artificial
Wish for peace
Behind everything superficial
Wish for protection
Outside all things material
Wish for wisdom and love within,
Within everything you wish.
Bee like water A worm will never
Become a butterfly
Just like a caterpillar
Will never become a fly.
We never really change
We just become
What we’re meant to be
For the better or the worse.
We never really change
We just discover ourselves to be
What we’ve always been
All along, unaware of the sleeping
Potential within our bellies.
We’ve lived a thousand lives
And been a billion things
Or nothing at the same time
Cause we’ve always been the same;
Wandering travelers exploring
The stars of the universe
In search of wisdom, of experience,
Pollinating a life to blossom.
Be like water, free to be!!!
Flow of change Change is my name
Cause I stay the same
When I divide, I multiply
When I add, I subtract
I am the left, the right
And the equal sign
Of life’s equation
The zero factor of truth |