Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 183100
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
Total poems   1073
Lifetime Views   331707
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Total poems - 30 days   3
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Total poems - 365 days   4
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Views: 209







Practitioners …of dirty dealing…

Signatories of forgeries…


Be… it, poet…

Prince or president


Masters of the flair

Clever …chaps or chicks…


Learn the pattern

Of the magic …of the game…


Being, sly …slick…

Wicked ways to create

The shadow of a doubt…


And nuances…

Of the required …double dealing…

To create the maze…   



Fine arts of pilferage…


Sleight …of hand…  

To gain …advantage…  


Perhaps …a clever ruse

To turn the crowd


No rules…

Therefore, no limit

To what ruse …may be avowed…


Murder, mischief…  

 And all manner of mayhem…


Lying, cheating and stealing…

Misrepresenting truth in every form


Practice their art

Trading blows, setups…


Dress …rehearsals…


For the roles they’ll play

And the price they’ll pay


For failure…


If crime don’t pay…

The boss… won’t play…


Punishment …is swift…

Consequences, deadly


Setting up marks…

So demanding…

Requires careful planning…



Unerring instinct…



Pickpockets, purse snatchers…


Bush-wackers and waylayers

Beggars and thieves



Con men and rollers…

The devil himself

Might …be proud…


Ill intentions


Darken the days

Of innocent victims


As long shadows,

Begin to advance


Like markings

On a sundial…

Penetrate the last

Mark of the day’s light


As lazy silhouettes

Merge and blend


Creating the wall…

Turning day


…into night





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