Wise_Notion | Poetry Vibe
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Prophecy...and Vengeance is the Lords...

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first love

Views: 156
I broke our home...left our family all alone...from late nights out to missed calls on my phone...things will never be the same for us...i gave it all up...in the name of lust...so i ask for forgiveness...cause only the fathers toolbox can fix this...16 years of marriage another 2 counting friendship...now im separated from my heart and im dying from the distance...cursed with the heaviness of your heart as my arms try to lift it...reading scriptures bout repentance while still living wicked...praying for God to order my steps so i can walk different...2 children by another woman is hard to live with...knowing what we had was God given ....we both need healing..

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Gwad GOD you be spitting the truth write a book already.

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