Black people are the heart of the nation so much shade and hatred mad cause you can't replace them
you can throw shade cut them with a blade they are CPR certified put a bandage and get back on the grind.
my black leaders like the CEO of black lives matter and we buy black they proved to me that my skin matters and there is nothing wrong with fighting back.
but I learned to fight back with my skills, talent, and passion. I learned to fight back the right wait America what's happening.
Beyonce didn't get there overnight and jay z is the king no what we fight for black men we fight for black when we support each other regardless of our feelings.
you see me on youtube I am KIKI B TRUTH I will keep it 100 no matter what I have to go through stealing from people to get what I need because I watched my family has everything but it's a new season it's a new me I learned to be a Queen.