Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Overwhelmingly Honest



Views: 166
From much past torturous tribulation type pain Arduous strain and turbulence in my brain, I’ve snapped back elastically Strung forward drastically beyond rationality Saw life ‘fly me by’ quite frantically fantastically I was forced to build a chrysalis and metamorphosize radically And substantially No longer feel the pain circumstantially practically I dealt with pain psychically, utilizing intellectuality mathematically For far too long, I was in an emotional penitentiary stuck in mental confinement Trying to create the perfected balance of emotions and intellect Until there is the desired alignment I still seek to have a perfected personality refinement Although once blinded I took my old self and had quickly detained and confined it Took my past pain, and placed ‘it’ behind it Got filled with vivacious tenacity along with vitality & excitement No longer feeling like the thorn on Gods side punished with infinite chastisement Became self supportive, self reliant, and no longer personally suppliant Studies of metaphysicality, spirituality, and global cultural philosophies Pacified my angst and made me live by higher principles and remain life long compliant Against my darker side I have won, conquered, and triumphed Not hypercosmonautically licensed to be the most vibrant or the ‘spatial start brightest’ But by conquering my innate bad nature taught by nurtured nature I was able and became more stable and fully capable to kill off my ‘inner tyrant’ And as seductively as it was to justify it Being wicked and using past circumstances as a one way ticket I DID NOT agree to be seduced by such enticement - not even the slightest I made focused good energy pour out of me infinitely deliberately And standardized my daily life, and made it to be a moment to moment requirement The beast was killed off and utterly silenced Now a beautiful future is foretold by my own prophetic scrolls ‘Cause I can taste it, feel it, and it’s already been recited and visually sighted Who I used to be no longer has an effect on me no matter how much I may be reminded For these last days of corrupt international systemic man engineered pathogenic heresies My alien family made sure for me to be a human ‘soul hybrid’ And my spirit is stronger than Nephilim, Teraphim, Annunaki Or any interdimensional being to which my personality has been compared to and likened For divine energy principally has been eternally internally provided And although a demi-godly soul with plenty glow - because I’ve been illumined and enlightened I shall not allow obnoxious noxious pompousness come between me and my human family and get us divided For my final decision is to be the best I can be in every capacity categorically Speaking literally and no longer metaphorically And allow the love, light, and energy of the divine guide me And I have to my own self promised… That no matter what, I shall never again deny ‘it’! * Copyright And Safeguarded By the Highest *

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love_supreme says:

Very inspirational.

TCrippen00 says:

aaww man i love this!!!

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