Inspire the babies
In every way possible,
Greet them with love,
Admiration and the biggest smile.
Sir Handsome and
Lady Beautiful for the babies,
Make them laugh, be silly with them.
Prince and Princess for the
Little ones, cheer and clap for them.
Duke and Duchess
For the pre and teens,
Support and encourage every step.
Young Kings and Queens
For those new to adulthood.
Educate them with the elders’ wisdom
For their most traveled road
Will soon come to end.
Nurture them with firm yet gentle hands,
Believe in them, give them hope
Show them how to have faith
No matter the circumstance.
They’ll stumble from time to time,
Perhaps even fall
You’re the supporting role
Guiding them along the way.
And as we witness their journey
Confident in heart and mind,
As time goes on we see
The result of our inspiration
When the cycle is repetitious
Generation after generation.
Proverbs 22:6:
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
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