Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 180000
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  double ruby
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Before... the fall



Views: 184

Looking out

…over the far horizons…  


Feeling the pain… of it all…


Feeling …that God’s plan…


Was never designed to work


Without man…


If you cannot save another…


How can you save yourself…









Lurking silently

Within the shadows…  


Watching …waiting…


Trying to find …a way…  


With nowhere in sight…




These dangerous times


As our… hopes and dreams…


Pouring gently through our minds



Freefall… in the starlight serenade



Falling …over the waterfall



Life plans… of innocents…


Are shattering… in this moment…


Of this space …in time…


Once proud …agents of man…


Lost under the dark lords command


Edicts …according to the guidance





…through the echoes


Of these


Challenging …troubles…




Critical …mass…  



While the keeper …of the castle


Sits alone …on the throne



…within the prison


In his self image…


While …the fruits

…of his desire…


  Start the rapid decline


As he can’t find


…the presence of mind



…say the words…



Black …lives, matter…



But he can


 Call in …armed forces,


To threaten …with force…


To beat them…


And treat them


…as enemies…


As if, this is not


Their home…


In this…


Which may become America’s


…finest hour…  


He’s found to be…


Playing… Fuhrer



Tweeting his displeasure…


…Spending  time…


Speaking with his bestie,


Benefactor …and old friend…  


Vladimir …on the red phone


Looking at his reflection


On the mirror …on the wall…  


The Russian thug, under your employ


…or are you the employee


Laundering, money…


Dancing with evil… people


Exchanging white power signs   


Living the lie …under the spell…


Once your soul was released


…beneath their breath


Muttering their mantra…


Imprisoned …lost souls,


Conversing casually


Under the sign …of the beast…




Fire …and the stench of brimstone…


Hanging …like death…

In the air…   






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

And we are left with the physical and psychological lynching noose and knee around our's strange fruits...dripping seeds seeking fertile soil...
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Whether there are 13 coils in the noose he hangs himself with... or he goes straight to hell... KARMA, is a biche.

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes! ...Just over 40 year ago...I named my only birth daughter...Karman Nurisha Wa kupenda Lowe. Peace and Love, C2. M. Lowe

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