This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6500
contest winner
I will be making my first book thank you to all who supported me. Thank you to P.V. by the way I love calling you P.V.

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just different

Views: 169

she sits up late, nights thinking about how she can change her life?

what can I do she says to just got out of this Mess?

This mess I caused, this mess they cause. This mess was created by all of us. 

But, what must I do to be true to myself? 

what must I do to help myself love everyone else regardless of whether they love me or put me on a shelf? 

see I'm not just a bunch of words on a paper

I have a purpose to just free write



I have a purpose.

is to share something beautiful. 

something different. 

something unique.

something that the world has not heard before. 

something that calms the noise around you something that is not forced something that is peaceful. 

something that does no punch you because they can physically touch you so they use sound. 

but sound can damage you just as much as a fist to the face or a glass thrown at your head but she, was careful not to be misled. 

she loves to think and lay in bed she rest and dreams.

but, she is careful not to be misled. 

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