Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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We... Each...



Views: 194







As we are... beginning…


Each step we take

Each, move we make…

In effort to do...

What we need to do

To live



Free winds, provide the motion…

For our roots to shake

For our journey …to open

To our path …to shape…


Our dance with death

 ...a waltz, perhaps...

Still, with…

Each step we take,

Starts …a new beginning…

An energetic expression,

Leading to a new vibration of…

A root, a shoot, a leaf…

A flower, a fruit…

Perhaps a seed,

an offshoot…

A bud…


A chance to spread

The equation of…


A reason to…

(wink, wink)

Continue to be blessed…


A season, not to become…




A need, for…





A new expression of…

Whether, for the cause


…or just because…  


We want to do, we got to be…

To live our truth…  


Got to let our spirits

…run wild and free…  


Of our spiritual  essence...

From within...


And if we know ourselves

We begin alter

Our emotions…



And change

By leaning



What we now, know

To be more true…


To lean …into the darkness

And join, in the fight…


In effort to be positive…



To lead our loved ones

…towards the light…


So that their efforts to

Undress …a universal truth,


Will move the stars…



The direction…

 From our whims...


To our true course,

Directed, by choice…  


Of free will...   


Tempered by the reflection

...of the








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