hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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A Look At The Clown


just different

Views: 132

A Look At The Clown

A Look At The Clown here ye, here ye & here ye wash past the rice pudding threw the blanket of trust; shine forth the diamond fold in a land of make belief the sheriffe sent you; In a land filled with a temporal means; Sundays, through each fluid hat Under the big top... The clowns will surprise you through the field of dreams a taught witness filled with no regrets A dime bag filled with pot Each step of the way burning chimneys along the oceanic sound filled griefs A look at the clown, Chase passed the tortured souls leap through the kitchen light We are sold without the street walker I'm accountable, a trust to include; the bread that was turned of eleventh scent The flop filled suit Dances, laughs & trust here ye, here ye, here ye The circus came to town alongside the bearded woman A band to mix up the fable Celtic quench In the mirror the clown has tears over flowing Wizard of Oz

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