Wise_Notion | Poetry Vibe
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Prophecy...and Vengeance is the Lords...

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Serpent's Hiss


just different

Views: 174
She Flirted with temptation...seducing her spirit...the serpent stripped down her salvation...drunk from the juices... the forbidden fruit produces...desecration...blind to the spiritual guise of the situation...with a natural soul tie...i was bound to partake in...the tasting...now facing our nakedness we tried escaping...a fig leaf was not enough to hide the shame we laid in...desperately trying to maintain my innocence she was primed for the blaming...both banished from our garden of bliss...for a bite of knowledge...forever haunted by the echoes of the serpent's hiss...

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mlowe5 says:

In the Garden are many Apples. The hiss of the serpent must remain impervious to the whisper of God. Thanks for sharing this powerful poetic rhymic flow of awareness messaging. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.

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