Once upon a time their live a Queen named Armand's Armand's was so afraid to open up to anyone.
Anyone... Says the young kids in her class room anyone..
Well Ms Kiya why was she so afraid.. doesn't she know God is watching over her everyday?
Yes indeed said ms.kiya but she was hurt so many times she even forgot how strong God'S love was.
So she would walk down dark alleys every night and stay inside all day because she didn't know how much she was loved.
She would allow anyone into her life and give them whatever they wanted because she wanted love.
We hiked it's okay to share it's also okay to say no and put away the things that you value.
Like... A sculpture from your grandparents, if you know it's value you keep it home away from others so it doesn't get damaged.
Well Armand's wasn't careful to guard her heart and in the end it was broken. Those who loved her were hurt because they cared more about her then what she did ,because;
They new her worth.
Remember love is saying no even if it means you will hurt the ones you love the most.