j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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I trumpet no tampering with...


just different

Views: 162

November 3rd, 2020 presidential election!

Even horrible thought regarding incineration
of oblate spheroid moost not let freedom ring
to defang wicked warlock in White House.


If present commander in chief gets his way
no forty sixth president will ever be elected

cuz Donald will implement barriers oy vey

high time to implement courtesy yours truly


protestations within bailiwick got underway

whereby I sit secluded from madding crowd

at 2 Highland Manor mancave number B44

contemplating quotidian countdown today

whereby common Joe patiently bides time

until November 3rd, 2020 when we sashay

along humongous Chorus line, nsync with

other voters who cast their ballot choosing


to oust nasty pachyderm, a blatant insult to

Dumbo (tusk...tusk...tusk), one celebratory

deafening & ear splitting martial roundelay

bidding good riddance to Don key popinjay.


Aforementioned landslide victory doubting

thomas (me) fellow zealots he doth outpray

crowns bedecked with sprigs rosy nosegay

important persons cavalcade occupying the

madding crowds of sore losers truckling,

trudging, and trumpeting, across motorway

hubbub generates festival dotting capital all

the way to back to house of Pooh corner...

once reality settles into subdued electorate

the business of governing Leviathan lay

daunting task to steer ship of state toward

deep seas where humongous swamp thing

spurred shouts of "what the hell is that!"


I quail and quake at thermonuclear specter

Machiavellian nightmare scenario humanity

and other life forms annihilated predicated,

whereby Joe Biden clinches upcoming 2020

presidential election triggering dear leader -


he doth regale himself Putin on the ritz, yes

our trumpeting commander in chief would

(I truly never underestimate), would literally

go ballistic with retaliatory measures (as he

doth with sinister leer hunker in his bunker)

while wide webbed world goes way beyond

hell in handbasket – unleashing violent tirade

raging against machine, (albeit voting) said

Democratic candidate (ideally, hopefully, and

joyfully an African American female running


mate i.e. vice presidential) incites bigotry to

run rampant nsync with Antisemitism, thus

yours truly foresees catastrophe within sinister

mind of Trump, who would stoop to destroy

peace on Earth and good will toward people,

courtesy of atomic warfare art thy deity of



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