Over the sands of time,
we pass but once;
leaving footprints of memories
at the mercy of her winds,
blowing pandemonium breezes
teasing the journey
always traveled in the now;
for time never was, never
will be, but is always in the now.
The reality of it all is always
in the now and is always true,
as reality can know no lie;
that which is experienced
is always real—even dreams
and their midwives, nightmares.
And so it is with oppression
and its energized oppressors
now in charge of the nightmare
currently live streaming.
Footprints in the sand
are mere fragile memoirs
in the furious winds of now;
legacy must not be about who
you are but rather, what you are
doing now to bring about equanimity.
Racism is not a living personality
rather it's a perpetuated ideology
of our present oppressive reality.
Now is the time to footprint legacy:
it's better to pass on in good trouble
than to live in the hell of a bad reality;
Indeed, it's better to be remembered
for what you did than to be forgotten
for failing to do what you could.