mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 781100
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 232



Being afraid does not necessarily make

you a coward;

Being not afraid to right a wrong often

is the cause of that.

And looking behind does not keep you

from going forward;

This is all too often cause by a fearful

apathetic setback.


Courage comes bearing awareness

of who and what you are doing;

Courage brings a unique ruthlessness

that keeps focus on where you’re going.


The uniqueness of courage is that often

it is the product of the viciousness of fear;

Fear that no amount of treachery can ever soften

nor cause one to lose that spirit power to persevere.


Imagine the power of courage fueled by love;

challenging fear with its psychological conundrum.

Remember the lesson on love and fear sent from above?

enabling one to be released from apathy’s asylum.


Fear not that which is soon coming to test us;

Rather, fear us not being ready and prepared to fight.

There’s nothing worst then having liberties going to rust;

 let us courageously exercise our hard-fought for right.


      Ironically, you must seek that which you wish

      to eventually, find.

      Likewise, you must knock at the door of wisdom

      to be let in.

      And you need to humbly ask for the nourishing

      of your mind. 

      How fortunate there is the soul to bear and reveal

      the oppressive sin.


      Though we continue to trek through the dark valley

      of the shadow of death,

      Above remains the continuous burning bush light

      showing the righteous way.

      Thus, with audacious hope and purposeful faith,

      let us not be bereft.

      For we have been promised that in living due time,

      is coming that great day.


      We can no longer be viewed as a satisfied debased

      supine living breed;

      No longer can we visualized as the epitome of endured


      There can be no modus vivendi between healthy lives

      and infectious viral greed;

      Thus, with utmost urgency, we must be about getting

      rid of viral governance.


      Liberation has always been the result of long battles

      fought and won.

      Following Emancipation, it still took centuries before

      blacks were liberated to vote;

      During the pandemic years of this struggle, thousands

      died before this was done.

      Now let us get on with choosing the choice to ensure our

      power will never be revoked.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love supreme. Peace and Love.

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