Wise_Notion | Poetry Vibe
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Prophecy...and Vengeance is the Lords...

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Physical wars and Spiritual Battles



Views: 161
Scream vengeance is the lord's... as we hoard battle axes and swords...formed for death....then pointed at our enemies necks...in the name of peace...unleashing our beast from the chains of the past...God's fury released in the heavens and in the earth underneath...on those who oppressed his sheep...our judgment will come as well...praying for a lighter sentence already have gone through hell...lift us keep us where the angels dwell....far from harm...underneath your arm....free to be as you intended us to be...making our spiritual feat complete...

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ahhhhha all facts
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mlowe5 says:

And vengence there will be if we fail to suceed in bringing liberity, peace and love that His divine wisdom and guidance instructs us in seeing that His will is done in us doing as he has willed. Peace and Love, M. Lowe

Wise_Notion says:

Understood MLowe...thanks for your feedback

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mlowe5 says:


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