Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Sentinel ...soul...



Views: 253






Machine guns blazing…  

As the advance guard

Makes its approach

Targeting …and bracketing…

Leading the assault

…into the labyrinth…   



Of the homeland,

And our families, a necessity…  


Oppressive forces,

Practicing inhumanity


Seeking to extinguish…

Our hold …on liberty…  



…they don’t believe…  


Just Us, they say…

Exists “for us”


Though not

…for you and me…  


Battle scarred remnants  

Of the invading …horde…  


Neutralizing …strong points  

Key components …in the struggle  


As the tides… begin to turn…  

Soldiers perform miraculous feats


Courageous talents reach their peak


Demonstrating …focus… 

With drive and intensity…  


Cool, clean… methodical…

In the execution… of force…  


Creating a cascade failure  

Openly exposing weaknesses


To be readily exploited…  

In effort to destroy


The enemies ability

…to respond, in kind  


As the skirmishes …continue…  

Younger soldiers gain confidence  


Counter attacks

Are buffered and contained


Endgame nears…

Blood, sweat and tears


Lawmen, men of soul…

Step up… to the challenge…    


Square off

Against their opponents


Taking aim… with principles engrained…  

Battling principalities, nothings changed…  


Empowered… in lessons learned over time


Enemy forces …begin to break…  


First to the right, then to the left…   

Good, bad… or ugly…

All, must face …the test…


Trying at first,

To fight their way out  


Their bullets …and conscience, spent…

Lost souls… falling back …to earth…


Hearing the final call…  

Ready or not …here, it comes…


Fearing a rout …making a last ditch

…effort to escape…too late,  


Cut off from their intended route…  

Left to surrender to their fate  


Then, just drop their weapons

…and run…   


Mortar rounds …exploding

Pounding targeted grounds


Phosphorus shells incinerate all remains

…to nothing dust… a fine bloody mist


Falling …like particulate rain


Wreaking havoc…

On the evil source…


Crying in pain…

Feeling the anguish…


As the fierce battle claims its due…

The killing storm follows its course


On those remaining few

Assessments …are made…


Tallies of graves planned

…losing more even as we gain…

Spiritual markers which turned the tides

Which ruled the day…

Wounded souls are tended  

Loaded on carriages

Addressed respectfully    

Prayed over …reflectively…    

And …hauled away…

And all rejoice…


Once more, as…


One love, is…









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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Soul sentinel surviving...sojouring steadfastly. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Aye, Captain... We are holding on, staying strong...

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Sailing on. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

great work!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, soldiers...

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