Inkthatspeaks | Poetry Vibe
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Hard To Let Go!



Views: 249

Tell me,

Where do we go from here?

It hurts that you’re not close to me.

Every day I wish you were near.

You’re missing me and I’m missing you.

My mind is telling me to let you go.

My heart is telling me to hold on a little while longer.

I’m confused, battling with my emotions.

Trying to think positive; hoping it would give me the strength to be stronger.

We thought it would be easy to transition from friends to lovers.

Maybe we were moving too fast.

Maybe we shouldn’t have crossed the line.

We both were haunted by the hurt and pain from the ghost of relationship past.

Trying our best not to repeat past relationship mistakes and living our lives in rewind.

I know it was best for us to go our separate ways.

We weren’t ready to take it to the next step.

I’ve been trying to end our chapter,

but my pen won’t allow me to stop writing what my heart reveals. 

For now, we must let each other go, so we can use this time and space to heal. 

Before we were lovers, we were friends.

The love we have for one another will never end. 

We don't know what's in store for us in the future nor what's in our destiny.

What's meant to be, will be.











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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Pain the heart. strong medicine... meaningful write.

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Inkthatspeaks says:

Thank you so much! Much love my fellow poet
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Such is the awareness of "being in Love" is one thing; and just loving another being, is another thing. The questions the heart requires the answer to,is can both aspects of love become one? Time will tell. Thanks for sharing this timely write, Inkthatspeaks. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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