love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 210

I heard a quote yesterday that I thought was very powerful. The quote was:

"We are not what we think we are, we are not what people think we are, we are what we think people think we are."

That one hit me liked a crazed lover punching me wildly in the night with the firm belief that I am cheating on her and there is nothing left but rage and betrayal. Those eyes are both green and red. 

But dont be what the world thinks you are, build who you are because you know who you are. Don't be afraid of the world because in the end, you are shaping yourself based on what the world thinks. 

Don't let the world inspire you to hatred but build something in yourself where you become a lighthouse in a raging sea of life. 

Or in its shortest term - "Do you."

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The Immortal Wize says:

Know thyself, know thy truth, know thy light live thy life thy way. This is a very inspiring piece 🔥

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LP45 says:

Excellent work love_supreme. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing.

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Coalhouse says:

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mlowe5 says:

Nice, love_supreme. Indeed, "...beome a lighthouse in a raging sea of life...Do you..." Thanks for sharing this beautiful flowing inspiring message. Love It! Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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