blakmista | Poetry Vibe
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Black Passion



Views: 244

Black Passion

How in the world and worlds beyond

of all life's many beautiful wardrobes,

does mankind find time or the energy

to attract or put on something ugly?

Why keep on shooting and kneeing

spitting in the faces of youthful black?

An ego trip? A desire? Or a despair?

kill dreams of attaining things they lack.

Is it the color, that encircles all of life

where rain, snow, to thunder birth from?

Where lightning dance, stars glisten in

unmeasured or corralled to stand in freedom!

We cringe daily, mothers, brothers, sisters,

fathers, hiding not self or others to forgive,

shame-based has not enveloped the blackness

or it would close in on the lives in which we live.

Finding fault or reason does justice a disservice

it's as though the stinging bee needs to be stung,

as so many advocated for centuries to erase hate

that split the mother, stole the child, husband hung.

Humanity patiently awaits, for either Buddha,

Christ, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, God Himself,

to rescue upon arrival, all who has chosen them

and smash those hearts who choose a dusty shelf.

Here, in a land of enchanted slavery to cherish

Maya Angelou tells it better in saying “Inner strength”,

and, no, the bee does not ever need to be stung                                  it stings itself, fearful, of justices inner sense!


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