hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Views: 156


cool your guns
offset the runs
Eddie in the 5150 album
Moon shine wipe your behind
the wizard collide
fast as a motor gin the dolphin fin
faster, shady & silent
the Yankees leaving behind the famed 78 Bucky Dent;
Eruption, Top Jimmy & Unchained
Van Halen
behind the oven fence
picture perfect frame
collide and hide
the fence is clear
shade of macaroni bend

Two, four & six
in hell the number Styx
in the zone
evident to hold back on the masses
the end of changing classes
motor caged momma sought the routine wanted
smell of leather something to treasure
bananas, fruit & sugar
clear path to reach out toward heaven sent
the cheaper rent
heaven sent

your pass book toward the Mexico line
created from a grand design;
pulsating heart transplant;
not to mention David Lee Roth
Was he gay, in the coded month of may ?
sharpen the number two pencil
scrub the floor wax on wax off
guitar, pick & thumb
my turn to run

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LP45 says:

Nice work hitalot.

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