tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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" Protest"


just different

Views: 194

Raise your fist not to use as an deadly weapon on an innocent human being like corrupt police with bad intentions attached to their badge

Raise your fist as your mic and use the streets as your stage no curtains needed at the end of your speech because your talk is unlimited 

gather your picketing voice and march down those toxic streets 

to your left and right police are the roadblocks, but you go around them because they are obstacles

be an voice for the voiceless through the walking activisim you create 

mouth kept closed unheard of

"Protest" comes in all colors some speaking upon religion, feminism, civil rights 

getting slammed down on concrete won't end your adrenaline for your community at night 

raise that torch like your in the olympics and reach your finish line.

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