The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 478200
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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 290
out of order coz you black don't get water coz you black justice blind coz you black don't step out of line coz you black don't get lost coz you black police get called coz you black guns drawn coz you black shoot you dead coz you black it's all legal coz you black hate your guts coz you black lock you up coz you black hide the key coz you black killed with a knee coz you black by the police coz you black mama cries coz you black fatherless child coz you black motherless child coz you black dogged out coz you black got no peace coz you black no rights coz you black pull over coz you black fix the tail light coz you black you suspect coz you black be mindful coz you black distespected coz you black exterminated coz you black they got guns coz you black it's a trap coz you black get a strap pole & gat it's war coz you black watch ya back coz you black lone wolves roll in packs remember that coz you black ain't safe coz you black targeted coz you black setup coz you black setback coz you black no cause coz you black pushed coz you black pushback coz you black it's painful coz you black it's not a crime coz you black be careful coz you black you count coz you black you the chit coz you black you the problem coz you black you the fix coz you black you the stuff coz you black you the pulp coz you black you the meat coz you black you got beef coz you black the nucleus part coz you black you got heart coz you black don't back down coz you black stand your ground coz you black wear a crown coz you black get up coz you black get down coz you black got power coz you black you the face of the deep you the light that shines north south east & west you the best coz you black

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mlowe5 says:

Yes Sir! All true! And to these must be added: Coz you black, you the Man of powerful African Warrior and coz you black its time to get up and fight to take back that which has been stolen from you---by whatecer means are necessary! Thanks for another Powerful share, Poet Wize. Peace and Love, mlowe5

Kilomsundrstd says:

Def all true.. I like how you incorporated past and current social injustice matters in this piece! Stand tall!! ✊🏿🙌🏿

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jwins says:

Come on with this truth now! we gotta awake coz we black! and unite coz we black! the nations are against us coz we black! love each other coz we black! I love this!!! unfortunately too many of my writes are about "War". But as a so called Black Woman... my cries are not being heard. I see the wars that have been set. Profound write!

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