Wise_Notion | Poetry Vibe
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Prophecy...and Vengeance is the Lords...

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Good Pushers and Bad Preachers



Views: 237
Dealers exploiting our people pushing dope...bad preachers exploiting our people pushing hope...lost souls dont no how to cope...laugh at Gods words like its a joke...hardtimes designed for folks...to build their faith up to the sky...but whined up losing faith in the Most High...Gave up on God for bad preachers...so beware of false prophets in sheeps clothing the bible teaches...but we ignore it like the bible not a worthy source to reach us...So we rather honor and protect the dope dealing leaches...he serves what God don't...but we want we we want...but i wont...ignore parts of God that convicts me...so i can feel free but empty...ill take his word seriously...and let it fulfill me...and heal me...i accept all of Gods word... thats faith...you dont get to choose whats suitable for you...thats fake...the moment you do...you lose...the Holy truth...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, the Holy Truth is that it is God will that must be done; not our own. We are to sow seeds of the Spirit; not of the fleesh. Nice write, Wise_Notion. Peace and love.

Blakmista says:

mlowe5 that's so humble. Thanks for wearing the spiritual suit as God intended. Humbly write.

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