Love I had is love lost it only lasted a moment Some time ago it was for the time Being a reality show that didn't go a full season before it was Cancelled wasn't a favourable time Nor opportune window to go for Broke eventually climate change Laying to rest what lies behind Having faith in what fate Would have me after the fallout It's complicated when taken Lightly an envious kinda Memento a mask worn not the Truest self a fantasy fiction Motion picture a facade appears As death takes your breath away It's misleading it's fleeting We give chase to feed the Hunger it's duality one gladly Anouncing thoughts of Adorable feelings then slay Their mate in the same breath A fire that can warm souls And destroy life we toy with Love but loves not to be Played with one can love Their spouse and bed with Another it sounds insane Love is a crazy thing You can be crushed by The one you're crushing on True love is madness in Liquid and solid form once Kissed sparks an endless Search for that first hit If this is wrong I stand Corrected I can only tell It from my own heart torn perspective