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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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5 Newest Poems By Mario William Vitale


Views: 188

Come As You Are


place face down between the New York mile raised to its dial

the mere nature of the beast we both will join its feast

we traveled so far not to turn back now

the insurance devides the shape


out of thirst to greet and meet

the service was devided

come as you are

with twins in the car


swallow back the engine with shame in its credible game

the sound of the overhead Albatross

sending words common lose


(2) Wave To The Sun


a brand news day dawn

wave to the sun

out of fetters catch the ivy twirl

shades of crafted enriching drill


abandoning the reflex caught up in the mix


(3) To Handle It's Fear


come follow me to the edge of the sea

hoping that she will marry me

climb deeper then ever before

trying to even the score


sought through the shared pile like drift

its all we miss

viewing the scenic look that's all it took

the oceanic breatth


from every circumstance

all to take a part in the dance



A Beacon of Light


shared through solemn peaks do sway

the swan watch and a grandma prays

seaweed lines the parting way

a tear drop gets in the shade


A beacon of light to a hurting world in need of comfort

push back the feeling of what we are dealing

another evening share

with a solemn word to care


minus the violence of a news day dawn

can't we all just get along



The Lonely Number


lie beside a cosmic wheel

feelings of let's make a deal

shing mountains from fullness of dread

leaped beside its bed


halo aside the barren path

a chance to over react

treat by the pillars of one in doubt

cobwebs in the out of control


filled up with the evening dew

shades of solemn fancy chew

we bath in the columns of mass appeal

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